
Reiki Therapy

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Reiki Therapy

Reiki is the Japanese name for “Universal Life Force Energy,” which is the life-giving energy present in everyone. The best way to understand reiki is to view it as our “experienced sense of being alive.” Reiki therapy is a gentle touch therapy that involves the placing of the therapist’s or patient’s hands on various locations on the patient’s body to promote relaxation and a sense of calm.

Benefits of Reiki

  • Promote Harmony & Balance
  • Relaxes and Releases Tension From The Body
  • Breaks Down Energy Blocks and Balances The Mind, Body, and Spirit
  • Cleanses Body of Toxins and Supports Immune System
  • Clears The Mind and Improves Focus
  • Helps You Sleep Better
  • Helps Spiritual Growth and Emotional Cleansing
  • Accelerates The Body’s Self-Healing Ability

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